Debts That Can Be Included In An Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA)

Not all types of debt can be included in an IVA. It is important that you know what can be included to ensure that an IVA meets your requirements before applying.

During the period of your IVA, your creditors cannot ask you for payment of debts that are included, and if they do, you are not obliged to pay.

Debts that can be included in an IVA.

The debts below can be included in a DRO. In relation to rent, your landlord could still seek to evict you if you are behind with your payments, even if this debt has been included in your DRO, so you may have to keep paying this even after your DRO has been implemented.

If any of the above have been obtained fraudulently, you will still have to repay them once your IVA has ended.

Even if your debts can be included in an IVA, it’s important to remember that there will be an impact on your day-to-day life with an IVA, for example:

There are also rules that you must abide by when in an IVA, these include:

Debts that cannot be included in an IVA.

The debts below cannot be included in your IVA. This means that even if your IVA is approved, you will still need to continue to repay these debts. You will therefore need to make sure that you can still afford to make these repayments on top of your IVA repayment each month.

If you are unsure whether you have debts that can or cannot be included in an IVA, speak to us today and we can help you decide whether an IVA is a suitable solution for you to apply for to manage your debts. It’s also worth noting that:

If you are still unsure whether a IVA is the best solution to help manage your debts, we can help you explore your options further. You can call us on 0161 660 2510 or complete our online IVA enquiry form and a member of our team will call you back.